Fall into Fun
Apple Events

More than just great taste, apples represent big business in Virginia; the state ranks sixth in the nation in apple production. Approximately $30 million is added to the state’s economy each year through the sale of fresh market apples and products such as applesauce, processed apple slices, apple butter, apple juice and cider. In addition, there are the tourism dollars, generated by the many regional apple festivals.
Festival-goers can choose from a variety of events which feature apple sales, taste samples and apple-related foods and crafts. Festivals often offer music, square dancing or line dancing, folklore and demonstrations as well. They can also be an excellent way to stock up on locally-grown and produced agricultural products such as wine, pumpkins, ornamental gourds, Indian corn, jams, jellies or Fall vegetables.

Apple Fun & Festivals
Family Fun • Apple Picking • Apple Cider • Apple Donuts • Apple Butter • Caramel Apples • Apple Markets • Apple Orchard Beauty • Healthy Outdoor Activities
Pick Your Own Apples at Silver Creek Orchards
September 13, 2025 & October 11, 2025 from 9 AM - 4 PM
2591 Pharsalia Road
Tyro, VA 22976
Pick your own apples, right off the tree.
Varieties available for picking:
September 13th – Johnathan, Mutzu, Jonagold, September Wonder (Early Fuji), Mystery, Blue Ridge Crisp and Empire
October 11th – Fuji, Granny Smith, Arkansas Black, Black Twig, Ever Crisp, Winesap and Pippin
Pick Your Own Apples at Seamans' Orchard
September 20, 2025 from 9 AM - 4 PM
1040 Dark Hollow Road
Roseland, VA 22967
Pick your own apples, right off the tree.
Varieties available for picking include Empire, Early Fuji, Jonagold, Red Delicious and Golden Delicious.
Apple Butter Makin' Festival
October 4, 2025 & October 18, 2025
Silver Creek & Seamans' Orchards
5529 Crabtree Falls Highway
Tyro, VA 22976
Join us for Apple Butter Makin', crafters, LIVE music, a corn maze, PYO pumpkins, face painting, clowns, food vendors, and many varieties of fresh, delicious, mountain-grown apples and fresh-pressed sweet cider. The fun begins at 10 am and lasts until 4:30 pm, with the band playing from 12 pm to 3 pm.
Pick Your Own Apples at Silver Creek & Seamans' Orchards
October 25, 2025 from 9 AM - 4 PM
5529 Crabtree Falls Highway
Tyro, VA 22976
Pick your own apples right here at the packing shed.
The varieties available for picking include Pink Lady, Wild Twist, Gold Rush, Black Twig and the Lady apple. The retail room will have apple butter, local honey, jams, jellies, and close to 20 different varieties of apples and fresh pressed sweet cider.