Granny Smith Apples
Virginia Blushing Granny Smith Apples
There is something special on the apple cheeks of this Granny, a slight sun-kissed pink blush that makes Virginia Blushing Granny Smith apples an instant standout on any display.
This slightly unusual, always great tasting apple has extraordinary eye appeal, long shelf life, and versatility that customers love.
Virginia Blushing Granny Smiths can be enjoyed straight from the store, baked in a pie, or stewed into a sauce. And because the fruit keeps its color even when cut, these apples are ideal for salads. Virginia Blushing Granny Smith apples, get 'em while the blush is on!
Gorgeous Outside and In
• Green with pink blush
• Great size
• Doesn't brown when cut
Tart and Tasty
• Crisp, firm
Store Well
• Keeps shape when cooked. Ideal for pies, fried apples
• Super snack or salad
Virginia Blushing Granny Smith Apples
• A variety grown, sold and served with pride
• Yours from local growers
Local Freshness
Picked ripe with the blush
Just-picked flavor
Next day delivery from local Virginia orchards
Long shelf life
Choice Packing Options
Tray packs
Bags, bins or bulk
PLU stickering available
Late Fall through Spring